Solution Lakmir Singh Manjit Kour class 5 ICSE Science Chapter 6 Solids, Liquids, Gases

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Solution Lakmir Singh Manjit Kour class 5 ICSE Science Chapter 6 Solids, Liquids, Gases


Objective Type Questions

Name the following:

1. A matter found in all three states- water

2. Water in gaseous form- steam

3. Gas in air which is essential for living and burning- oxygen

 4. Wind that blows from sea to land- sea breeze 5. Wind that blows from land to sea- land breeze 

Choose the correct option

1 The state of matter depends upon which of the following?

a. Temperature of molecules

b. Arrangement of molecules

c. Weight of the matter

d. Amount of the matter

2.Which of the following will be solute in lemonade?

a. Lemon juice

b. Sugar

c. Water

d. Both a and b

3. This process shows change of water vapour to liquid water

a. Condensation

b. Evaporation

c. Filtration

d. Decantation

4.Which of the following is not a property of air?

a. It has weight

b. it exerts pressure

c. is occupied space

d. It has a fixed volume

 5. Moving air which blows gently is called _____

a. monsoon

b. Storm

c. breeze 

d. all of these

6.The monsoon in India starts from_____

a. West

b. north

c. east

d. south

C. Fill in the blanks.

[matter, storm, molecule, crystal, distillation]

1. Anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter 

2 Matter is made of tiny particles named molecules 

3. Salt and sugar grains are found in  Crystal  form.

4. Liquids can be separated from solid-liquid mixture through distillation 

5. Strong wind is called storm

D. Write T for True statements or F for False statements.

1. Evaporation is used to separate soluble solids from liquids. F

2. Air exerts pressure only in downward direction. F

3. Land breeze blows during day time. F

4. Monsoon rains come in winter season. F

5. Ventilation allows circulation of fresh air. T

E. Match the columns (Direct)


1. Sedimentation -  Insoluble substances   

2. Evaporation- Soluble substances  separation

3. Distillation - Combination of two process separation

4. Ventilation- Circulation of air   

5. Condensation- Change of gas into liquid  

Subjective Type Questions

A. Answer the following questions in short

1. What are the three states of matter?

Answer: Three states of matter- Solids, Liquids and gases

2. Why are solid materials hard?

Answer: Solid materials are  hard because molecules in solids are tightly packed. 

3. How are the molecules in solids and liquids arranged differently?

Answer: Molecules in solids are tightly packed. 

Molecules in Liquids are loosely packed and are far apart. 

Molecules in gases are very loosely packed and are far apart. 

4. In what condition state of matter may change?

Answer: A matter may change from one state to another on heating or cooling. 

5. Give three examples of liquid-liquid solution.

Answer: Three examples of liquid-liquid solution-

i) lemon juice in water

ii) water in milk

iii) honey in milk 

 6. How is filtration different from evaporation?

Answer: Filtration- Separating Insoluble impurities from liquid through a filter paper. 

 Evaporation- Separating soluble impurities from liquid. 

B. Answer the following questions in detail

1. Mention any two properties for each of these - Solids, liquids, and gases. 

Answer: Two properties for each of these:

Solids: i) Solids have fixed shape and volume

            ii) Solids cannot flow

Liquids:  i)  liquids do not have fixed shape but have fixed Volume

              ii) liquids flow

 Gases: i) Gases  neither have fixed shape nor   fixed Volume

            ii) Gases flow

2. How does water change its state in three forms? Explain with the help of a drawing.

Answer: Water  exists in all three states, it changes from one state to another on heating or cooling.

 Ice changes to water on heating, water  changes to Vapour on heating.

Water vapour changes to water on cooling,  water changes to Ice on cooling.

3. What causes sea breeze?

Answer: During the day , the land gets heated by the sun much quicker than water in the seas, This causes the air to become lighter and rise creating a empty space just above the land. The colder and heavy air above the sea rushes towards the empty space created by the hot air above the land.  This phenomena causes a breeze to flow from see towards the land known as sea breeze. 

Picture-based Question

1. Label the picture given below. What does is show?

Picture shows Sea breeze 

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