Rainbow 🌈 Mental Exercise, daily activity on Matter

Speed Up Science

Rainbow 🌈 Mental Exercise, daily activity

MatterMatter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It is composed of atoms and molecules, which are the fundamental building blocks of all physical substances. Matter exists in various states, primarily solid, liquid and gas

1.Water exists in:

ANSWER= (C) Three States 


2. Identify which one is not matter?

ANSWER= (D) Light


3.  Aluminum melts at 660°C. At room temperature, aluminum is the

ANSWER= (A) Solid state


4.The force that holds the molecules of a substance together is called:

     A) Interatomic Force
ANSWER= (C) Interatomic Force


5. Water and ice coexist at?

ANSWER= (B) 0 degree


6. Intermolecular space is the greatest in

ANSWER= (C) Gases


7. Molecules are made up of:

ANSWER= (D) Two or more atoms of same or different kinds

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  1. This daily activities helps me a lot to revise my concepts.

  2. This site is very helpful.

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