Rainbow 🌈 mind map Heat 2

Speed Up Science
Effects of heat
When a body is heated , it brings about some changes in its properties called Effects of heat
● When  heat is imparted to  ice its   Temperature will increase. At 0 degree centigrade, state will change ice melts . Water now at 0 degree centigrade, further heating will rise the temperature of water. At 100 degree centigrade change of state takes place from water to water vapour. 
● Effects are-1. Change in temperature 
                       2. Change in State 
                      3. Change in shape ( Thermal Expansion)
● Factors affecting Change in temperature-
         1. Heat imparted
         2. Mass of the body 
         3. Nature of the material of the body
● Change of state takes place when heat is either imparted or taken away from the body at particular temperature. 
1. Solid to liquid - Melting
2. Liquid to Solid - Freezing 
3. Liquid to Gas - Vaporization 
4. Gas to Liquid- Condensation
5. Solid  to  Gas -  Sublimation 
6. Gas to Solid - deposition
● Change in shape of a body may occur due to heat . Body expands on heating.
● Thermal Expansion- Expansion in a body on heating

Change of state
● Heat can change state of matter.
● change of state 
Important terms associated 
  1. Melting / Boiling/ Evaporation
2. Boiling point/ Melting point/
3. Latent heat of Fusion
4. Latent heat of vaporisation 
●Melting / Boiling/ Evaporation/ Condensation:-
When a solid is heated it changes into liquid at a fixed temperature this process is called melting.
When  the liquid freezes into solid at a particular temperature called freezing or fusion .
When a liquid is heated it change it into vapour at a fixed temperature this process is called boiling or vaporization .
When the vapour condenses into liquid at the fixed temperature the process is called condensation
● Boiling point/ Melting point
The constant temperature at which a solid melts is called its melting point and the constant temperature is at which a liquid  boils is called boiling point. Melting point and Boiling point a characteristic properties of the matter
● Latent heat of Fusion
The latent heat of fusion is defined as the amount of heat gained by a solid object to convert into liquid form without the change in the temperature. 
●Latent heat of vaporisation 
The latent heat of fusion is defined as the amount of heat gained by a liquid tto convert into gas form without the change in the temperature. 

Thermal Expansion 
●  Expansion of a substance on heating is called the Thermal Expansion. 


1. Linear Expansion ( increase in length on heating)

☆ Factors affecting linear Expansion:-

 i) material of wire/rod

ii) original length

Iii) rise in temperature   

2. Superficial Expansion ( increase in area on heating)

 Factors affecting superficial Expansion 

 i) material of sheet/ surface

ii) original Area

Iii) rise in temperature   

3. Cubical Expansion ( increase in volume on heating)

Factors affecting cubical Expansion 

 i) nature of material 

ii) original volume 

Iii) rise in temperature

●Liquids expand more than solids and Gases expand more than Liquids. 

● Expansivity of a substance is constant. Expansivity of different substances  are diferent. 

● Relation between coefficient of linear Expansion , coefficient of superficial Expansion and coefficient of cubical Expansion is

α = coefficient of linear expansion

β = coefficient of areal expansion

γ = coefficient of volume expansion

   Î± = β /2= γ /3  

● Due to differences in Expansivity of metals, a bimetallic strip bend on heating. This property of bimetallic strips is used in thermostats
Thermostat is a device used to control temperature by making and breaking the circuit, .used in electric iron , oven , refrigerator etc.

● Invar , an alloy of iron and nickel  has negligible coefficient of expansion so  used in  pendulum 

 1.To know more go to the post transfer of heat 
2.To check your knowledge  question - Answer 

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