Rainbow 🌈 mind map of current electricity
● Current - rate of flow of charges
S.I unit- ampere
● Cell is a primary source of electricity. A combination of two or more cells is a battery.
Some other sources of electricity are generator and solar cells.
● Electricity has the following effects
(a) Heating effect
(b) Magnetic effect
(c) Chemical effect
(d) Mechanical effect
● The path along which an electric current
flows is called a circuit
flows is called a circuit
When an electric path is complete is called closed circuit and the path with a break is called open circuit.
•● The substances which allow the electricity to flow through them are called conductors, e.g. metals, human body etc.
• The substances which do not allow electricity to flow through them are called insulators e a wood paner glass etc.
● Electric fuse is a device which limits the current in an electric circuit.
● All electrical appliances are connected in parallel in household circuits.