🌈 Vernier Calipers

Speed Up Science
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Vernier Calipers is a measuring device used to measure small length up to two decimal places. 

It has two scales:

i)                   Main scale like ruler (in cm). This gives measure of length in one decimal place.

ii)                ii) Vernier scale'(having ten division). This gives value of second decimal place.


Vernier Callipers

Least count: It is the least distance which can be measured accurately by it is also called Vernier constant.

If 10 div of main scale = 9 div of Vernier scale then 

Least count of Vernier Callipers will be 0.01 cm 

Zero error: If zero of Vernier scale not coinciding with zero of main scale, said to have zero error.

Types of errors:

     1. Positive zero error- When zero of Vernier scale right side of zero of main scale.

     2 Negative zero error- When zero of Vernier scale left side of zero of main scale.

  Zero error = + n x L.C, where n is the division of Vernier coinciding with the any main scale division.


Negative Zero Error


 Length = M.S.R + V.S.D X L.C

True Length= Length- zero error with proper sign

(Where M.S.R - main scale reading,

V.S.D- Vernier scale division coinciding with main scale and L.C - least count) 

Learn to measure: 

 Question: The least count of a vernier callipers is 0.01 cm and its zero error is

 - 0.03 cm. While measuring the length of a rod, the zero of vernier scale lies between 5.3 cm and 5.4 cm and sixth division on vernier is in line with a marking on the main scale. Calculate the length of the rod.

 Solution: Length of the rod MSR + VSD x LC = 5.3 cm + 6 × 0.01 cm = 5.36 cm 

True length of the rod = observed reading - zero error = 5.36 cm - (-0.03 cm) = 5.39 cm. 

Measuring devices:


Vernier Caliper
L.C= O.01 cm

L.C= 0.1 cm

Screw Gauge 
L.C= 0.001 cm
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