Rainbow 🌈 mind map and MCQ Properties of Light

Speed Up Science

Rainbow 🌈 mind map Properties of Light

Rectilinear propagation of light - Light travels in straight line

pinhole camera based on this principle

Speed of light  The rate at which light travels is known as speed of light. It has maximum speed
in vacuum/air. When it goes to optically denser medium speed  of light decreases.

Speed of light and it's medium

Reflection of light-The phenomenon of returning of light in the same medium is called Reflection of light.

It is the reflection helping us to see things around us. The images we see in the mirror is just the Reflection

Reflection of light

Reflection by curved mirror 

Refraction of light - The bending of light when it passes from one medium to another this property of light it is used in number of devices like microscope magnifying lens etc.


Total internal Reflection-  When light travels from denser medium to rarer medium beyond certain

    angle of incidence in place  of refraction reflection takes place. This property of light is called Total internal reflection. 
      Mirage  (false impression of pool of water in desert in hot day) falls under this.



     dispersion of lightthe property of light where the white light splits into its constitutes seven colours is

called Dispersion of light

 Dispersion can be observed by prism. Rainbow natural phenomenon is the best example of

dispersion of light.

    scattering of light – Light rays get deviated from its straight path on striking dust or gas molecules,

water vapor etc.

Some effects are:

●Sun appears red in the morning but white at noon.

● Red colour used as danger signal

Rainbow 🌈 MCQ on Properties of Light 


1.Light travels in a straight line -

      Perpendicular propagation 
Explain:- Rectilinear propagation of light states- light travels in a straight path.


2. Speed of light is maximum in

Explain:- Speed of light is maximum in air / vacuum. 


3. -The phenomenon of returning of light in the same medium is called 

Explain:- Returning of light in same medium is Reflection of light. 


4. The bending of light when it passes from one medium to another

     A) Reflection of light 
Explain:-Bending of light when passes from one medium to another is Refraction of light. 


5.Mirage is the example of Refraction followed by

     scattering of light 
Explain:-Mirage is the example of atmospheric refraction followed by Total Internal Reflection. 


6.The property of light where the white light splits into its constitutes seven colours is called

Explain:-the property of light where the white light splits its constitutes seven colours is called Dispersion of light  .


7. Sun appears red in the morning but white at noon

Explain:- As red light scattered least, it travels longer distance. 


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