Check your score,(MCQ) class 8 Chapter 5 Light

Speed Up Science
Light - True/False Quiz

Light - True/False Quiz

1. Refraction occurs when light changes speed while passing through different mediums.

2. A prism separates white light into its constituent colors through dispersion.

3. In a concave mirror, the image formed is always virtual.

4. A glass slab does not change the direction of a light ray.

5. The focal length of a convex mirror is always positive.

6. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of refraction.

7. Convex mirrors are used in rear-view mirrors of vehicles.

8. Dispersion of light happens only in prisms.

9. The image formed by a plane mirror is always upright and virtual.

10. The bending of light when it enters a different medium is called reflection.

  • Newer

    Check your score,(MCQ) class 8 Chapter 5 Light

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