Puzzles on electricity class7

Speed Up Science
Electricity Puzzles

Electricity Puzzles

1. I am the flow of electrons in a circuit. What am I?

Hint: I am measured in amperes.
Answer: Electric Current

2. My unit is named after André-Marie Ampère. What am I?

Hint: My symbol is "A".
Answer: ampere

3. I power small devices using a chemical paste as an electrolyte. What am I?

Hint: I am often found in flashlights.
Answer: Dry Cell

4. I provide a continuous path for electric current to flow. What am I?

Hint: I can be open or closed.
Answer: Electric Circuit

5. In me, the current is the same throughout, but the voltage divides across components. What kind of connection am I?

Hint: Bulbs connected in a line.
Answer: Series Connection

6. In me, the voltage is the same across each branch, but the current divides. What kind of connection am I?

Hint: Common in household wiring.
Answer: Parallel Connection

7. I am a device used to measure the flow of electric current. What am I?

Hint: My name starts with "A".
Answer: Ammeter

8. I open and close the path of current in an electric circuit. What am I?

Hint: I am used to turn devices on and off.
Answer: Switch

9. I am the negative terminal of a dry cell, usually made of zinc. What am I?

Hint: I am a metal container.
Answer: Zinc Container

10. I am a circuit with no breaks, allowing electricity to flow without interruption. What am I?

Hint: Opposite of an open circuit.
Answer: Closed Circuit

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